
Archive | Search Marketing

Search Marketing & Failure

The rate of advance­ment in tech­nol­ogy often cat­a­pults our busi­ness processes into uncharted ter­ri­tory. Tra­vers­ing through uncharted ter­ri­tory, it’s more likely that we will encounter fail­ure along the way. Given that we sim­ply can­not opt to ignore the tech­nol­ogy of the future, the alter­na­tive is to get bet­ter at man­ag­ing and even embrac­ing fail­ure. In […]

Search Marketing & Scale

“Con­tent is king” is a phrase deeply embed­ded in the typ­i­cal search marketer’s psy­che. It’s defin­ing what con­sti­tutes great con­tent that can get a bit per­plex­ing at times. I recently stum­bled onto an arti­cle by WordStream’s Elisa Gab­bert that offers what I believe to be great prac­ti­cal advice for defin­ing and max­i­miz­ing great con­tent. The […]

Search Marketing & Intuition

The dichotomy of creative thinking (right brain) versus analytical thinking (left brain), although technically not as divided as they seem, is especially important for marketing analysts. As a data-driven marketer, I’ve come to learn that it’s possible and important to be what I like to call a right-brain analyst. In fact, today it is becoming increasingly important […]

Search Marketing & UGC

The flag has been waved and the bat­tle between user– gen­er­ated con­tent and SEO is over. User-driven web­sites have pushed global dig­i­tal infor­ma­tion past the zettabyte line, adding over 9X more con­tent to the dig­i­tal uni­verse since 2005. User-driven photo shares, video uploads, tweets, and arti­cles are sim­ply cast­ing a wider net around online traf­fic […]